Education Programs

The South Okanagan Similkameen Brain Injury Society is dedicated in spreading brain injury awareness through:

Brain Injury Prevention & Education: Our goal is to reduce the incidence of Acquired Brain Injury by encouraging people, especially youth, to use safe practices when it comes to life’s activities.

Brain Safe Program: At SOSBIS we provide free helmets to low-income families and individuals unable to afford a proper fitting helmet.

Helmet Information: Do you have questions about how to properly buy a helmet for yourself or a child? At SOSBIS we provide helmet fitting information and guidelines.

Brain Injury 101 Educational Series: This educational series offers an introduction to brain anatomy and the effects of a brain injury.

The Stroke Navigator Program is a non-medical, community support service that assists stroke survivors and their caregivers with the adjustment to life after stroke and the integration back into the community.




                                                            COMMUNITY OUTREACH


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                                                            COMMUNITY PRESENTATIONS





Community Resources

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